Please read all descriptions carefully as days and times vary. Note, some programs are free while other require a small fee. While we work out payment options, registration fees can be paid in the school office via cash or check.
Homework Head Start
This program is for grades 3-8. The purpose is to give students a structured, quiet place to get a start on their homework or class projects. Both homeroom teachers and instructional aides will supervise each session. Sessions are on Tuesdays from 2:30pm-4:00pm.
Cost= No fee
Mindful Movement - Yoga & Fitness
Class participants will develop strength, flexibility, coordination and balance through play, stories and songs. Children will learn yoga poses, basic exercises and breathing/relaxation techniques. Sessions are Thursdays from 2:45pm-3:30pm and are open to students in grades K-5. Classes will be led by Mrs. Johnson, Registered Yoga Teacher and ACE Group Fitness Instructor/ Youth Fitness Specialist. Sessions will start on.
Cost= $5 per session
Book Club
Students in Grade 3-5 are invited to participate in a monthly book club discussing a book provided by The Cincinnati Public Library. Meetings take place after school in the St. Catharine School library, and will include discussion and activities related to the book read.
Cost= No fee, must reach out to Grade 3 teacher, Mrs. Mulvaney.
Recycling Club
Students in Grade 4-8 are invited to participate in a monthly club helping in the school community and our student-led garden. Meetings take place after school in Room 207, and begin October 9th.
Cost= No fee, must reach out to Grade 4 teacher, Mrs. Schalk.
Latchkey After School Care
We offer after school care from 2:45pm-6:00pm every full school day. Parents can either have a regular schedule for latchkey, or make arrangements the day of. Please contact latchkey director, Ms Mindy Placke with any questions at 513-481-7683 x3104 or [email protected].
Cost= $10 per child, per day